Linear fluorescent lamps from the series BAKERY SUPER have special spectrum, which properly promotes colour tones of bakery goods and therefore improves its appearance. The spectrum BAKERY SUPER is especially suitable for gingerbread goods (cakes, sweets), because brown colours are really promoted under this light. Applications: sweetshops, tea-rooms and corresponding departments in supermarkets.
Linear fluorescent lamps from the series BAKERY SUPER have special spectrum, which properly promotes colour tones of bakery goods and therefore improves its appearance. The spectrum BAKERY SUPER is especially suitable for gingerbread goods (cakes, sweets), because brown colours are really promoted under this light. Applications: sweetshops, tea-rooms and corresponding departments in supermarkets.
Professional staff
25 years of tradition
Ecological approach
5 wholesale centers
Projekt Vývoj LED svítidel pro umělé osvětlení rostlin je zaměřen na výzkum a vývoj nové generace LED svítidel pro umělé osvětlení rostlin vč. řídicího systému pro regulaci. 3 speciální světelná LED spektra typu „wide band“ pro průmyslové skleníky, vertikální a horizontální farmy apod.
Na tento projekt je poskytována finanční podpora od Evropské unie.